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Get Started

Ready to create your free server?

To get started, launch Minecraft on any version between 1.8 and latest. We recommend using the latest version for the best experience.

Bedrock users can only join on the latest version of Bedrock.

If you're familiar with joining Minecraft servers, skip to Step 4

Step 1. Open the Multiplayer Server List

Step 2. Click Add Server

Step 3. Enter the following:

Server Name can be anything. Server Address should be

Bedrock port is the default 19132 port, with the same address.

Once finished, you should see PlayerServers appear in your server list, as shown:

Step 4. Connect and Register

Double click to join the server. If you're a non-premium user, you will be prompted to register (or login if you already have an account). 

We recommend using a different password than your account password. Once this password has been set, you will be prompted to login with it each time you connect.

Step 5. Create Your Server

In your hotbar, you will see an emerald called Your Server, right-click it to open the menu. You can also use the /pmenu command.

If you already have a server, you will see this:

If you do not, you will see this:

Clicking the Diamond Block will generate your server.

(Outdated) Messages above have a different format in recent network updates. The content is the same.

It may take a moment for the server to be created. You will see the following message once the server has been created:

Step 6. Start the Server

Servers should start automatically after creation. To check, and if necessary, start the server manually, enter the Your Server menu again by right-clicking the emerald in your hotbar. 

Click on "Start the server" which will send the start command to your server.

If the server is already online, you will be shown how to join it:

You can also join it through the Navigation menu, the compass in your hotbar.

Step 7. Join the Server

As shown above, there are several methods to join your server.

  • Join through the Navigation menu.

  • Join through the Server menu.

  • Join through DNS. This is the value generated on server startup, in Step 5. You can also find it in the Server menu. 

If added successfully to your multiplayer server menu, you'll see another PlayerServers server.

We recommend naming them so you know which is which! Upon connecting via DNS (which is also known as the server subdomain), if the server is offline, users will be sent to the PlayerServers lobby. If the server is online, they will connect directly to your server.

  • Join through the /server command. Users can use /server [id] to join the server. The ID is the same as the subdomain, in this case, it would be /server 49576231

We plan on adding custom server names in the future. 

Done! Your server has been created. It will stay online for as long as players are connected to it. If there are no players on the server for more than 5 minutes, it will shutdown and need to be rebooted.

By creating a server, you are automatically agreeing to the PlayerServers Guidelines & Terms and Conditions.